Analisis Opini Terhadap Aplikasi Riliv di Twitter Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes dan Random Forest
AI Project Cycle, naïve bayes, random forest, riliv application, sentiment analysisAbstract
In the current era of technological advancement and the internet, people can easily access various information. This technological advancement brings innovation in the mental health field, such as services in the form of apps. This research conducts sentiment analysis using the Naïve Bayes and Random Forest algorithms. The study aims to analyze Twitter users’ opinions regarding the Riliv apps and compare the results of classification using Naïve Bayes and Random Forest. This research methodology uses the AI Project Cycle method. The data used is tweet data from Twitter with the keyword 'aplikasi riliv’. The dataset consisted of 1035 data, which was processed to produce 273 positive, 273 neutral, and 39 negative sentiments data. The Naïve Bayes and Random Forest algorithms were applied to compare the classification results of the two. The most optimal classification results are Naïve Bayes with SMOTE with the division of 90% training data and 10% testing data, which results in an accuracy value of 82.72%, a value of precision is 82.89% and a value of recall is 82.72%. Based on the results of the distribution of sentiment data, most users gave positive reviews and were knowledgeable about the Riliv application, while only a few were disappointed
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